
Automate your PowerPoint work

Trusted by over 25,000+
businesses globally

Try think-cell for 30 days, no credit card required.

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Watch a think-cell Demo

Fill out the form and you'll quickly learn how to navigate the most popular features of think-cell to start saving time and building better slides. In this session, you'll learn how to build a chart and add powerful elements with our simple drag-and-drop interface. We'll walk through stacked bar charts, waterfall charts, Gantt charts, and more.

Automate your
PowerPoint work

Trusted by over 25,000+
businesses globally

Try think-cell for 30 days, no credit card required.

Watch a think-cell demo

Fill out the form and you'll quickly learn how to navigate the most popular features of think-cell to start saving time and building better slides. 

In this session, you'll learn how think-cell can help you:

  • Build a chart in one click
  • Link Excel data straight to PowerPoint for auto-updating charts
  • Add powerful elements with our simple drag-and-drop interface


Businesses using think-cell


End-users across the globe


Of the Fortune 500 companies are think-cell customers

Webinar Title

think-cell is the only software that allows you to create complex timeline charts (also knows as Gantt charts) directly in PowePpoint. In this webinar learn how to create Gantt charts that are completely calendar based and support variety of decorations and lable

What you will learn in this webinar

  • Lorem ipsum is the dummy text that has been used in the typresetting industy since 1500
  • Lorem ipsum is the dummy text that has been used in the typresetting industy since 1500
  • Lorem ipsum is the dummy text that has been used in the typresetting industy since 1500

Dont miss your chance to learn GANNT charts basic, register today!


  • First Name, Last Name
    Job Titile, Company

    Lorem ipsum is the dummy text that has been used

  • First Name, Last Name
    Job Titile, Company

    Lorem ipsum is the dummy text that has been used

  • First Name, Last Name
    Job Titile, Company

    Lorem ipsum is the dummy text that has been used

Reduce chart creation time by 70%

One of the leading consulting firms reduced their production time for 48 slides from over 10 hours to 3 hours – saving 70% of their net working time.

Produce elegant presentations with ease

think-cell seamlessly integrates into PowerPoint and brings you 40+ chart types and dozens of data-driven visual enhancements to make your job easier.

Trusted by over 25,000 businesses globally

Our software is used by 9 out of the top 10 global consulting firms, 80% of the Fortune 100, the entire DAX 40, and 9 of the top 10 business schools.

Reduce chart creation time by 70%

One of the leading consulting firms reduced their production time for 48 slides from over 10 hours to 3 hours – saving 70% of their net working time.

Product elegant presentations with ease

think-cell seamlessly integrates into PowerPoint and brings you 40+ chart types and dozens of data-driven visual enhancements to make your job easier.

Trusted by over 25,000 businesses globally

Our software is used by 9 out of the top 10 global consulting firms, 80% of the Fortune 100, the entire DAX 40, and 9 of the top 10 business schools.

Get access to the think-cell's all in one platform

  • Automate you own PowerPoint work.
  • Reduce chart production time to 70%.
  • Create elegant presentations in minitues.
  • Don't tie yourself to uncompatible files.

In the meantime, check out our Ultimate Guide to PowerPoint Charts ebook

Discover which charts are best to use and when to use them

Upgrade PowerPoint with think-cell

The think-cell add-in makes PowerPoint more powerful, enabling you to make better presentations in a fraction of the time.


  • First Name, Last Name
    Job Titile, Company

    Lorem ipsum is the dummy text that has been used

  • First Name, Last Name
    Job Titile, Company

    Lorem ipsum is the dummy text that has been used

  • First Name, Last Name
    Job Titile, Company

    Lorem ipsum is the dummy text that has been used

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Quis excepturi natus corporis fugiat dicta ab, veritatis iste dolor, minus aliquid obcaecati est voluptatum in pariatur soluta facilis, cum vel aliquam!"

"Ocassionally a piece of software comes along that has the research behind it to solve a real problem for the user.Think cell is one of those roses amongst the thorns.

Senior Consultant,Bright Carbon

This is how much you could save with think-cell


Employee hourly rate


Weekly time savings per employee

# employees producing PowerPoint

=Calculating... / Month Savings XXX ROI

Easily create and customize charts within minutes

Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Excepturi commodi explicabo quia cupiditate blanditiis et aliquam veniam hic rem deleniti.

Produce beautiful results without any tweaking

Eliminate your dissatisfaction with the visuals you produce in PowerPoint and deliver poilshed presentations on time, every time.

Easily create and customize charts within minutes

Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Excepturi commodi explicabo quia cupiditate blanditiis et aliquam veniam hic rem deleniti.

"Think-cell will change your life, make it simpler and make you all look very smart. there is no other productivity tool I believe in more"

If you spend 3+ hours per week in PowerPoint, then you'll create presentations 70% faster with think-cell

think-cell enables you to automate PowerPoint slide updates straight from your Excel spreadsheet or Tableau data. Annotations like trendlines and % change arrows will automatically adjust to the new data, ensuring that your slide updates are made quickly and your presentations are mistake-free.

Collaborating on PowerPoint slides becomes easier with think-cell because the underlying data for each chart is made available to your teammates for updates. think-cell also solves the common issue of having Excel links break when the file's name or folder changes, making it safer to collaborate without errors.



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